The cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears and the sea.

Posts Tagged ‘English Boys

I’ll kill you, you fucking flat-chested cock-sucking spastic horse fucker!

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Some days i wake up and start to think that i am slowly becoming everything i hate. I feel like such a hypocrite and that i’m just too judgemental. I just need to stay focused, not get too bummed out on things and just try and be somewhat satisfied with the way things are.

I’m just really frustrated with myself and my choices. I don’t know if i am going to pass everything at college and get everything done on time. I don’t know what kind of work i’m going to do next year, and i have this horrible feeling i’ll be lying on my couch feeling sorry for myself for a few months because i haven’t found a job. I hate the uncertainty of the future. It stresses me out.

Today i sat at Alison’s house watching Skins. Fuck that is the best show ever, no joke. Just when you think something can’t get anymore fucked up, it does. It makes me feel somewhat normal. It also makes me want to run away and find my own English boy to stroke.

Written by eleganceineloquence

November 23, 2008 at 11:08 am