The cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears and the sea.

Archive for October 2009

Another second lost with every fallen grain.

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I’ve had retardedly slow internet as of late and haven’t been able to update anything really. However, after having sending my camera back to Canon for repairs, I got a new one (of the same model) under warranty. Hooray! So I can take lots of photos and post them up again.

Today after basically swimming to Tafe, I found out that my first class teacher was sick and my second class, I don’t have to start doing until next week. So now I have the day off to sit in my warm cosy house cuddling with Lilly. Sweet deal. Before leaving Tafe I went to the Library to pick up some new reading material. I found Nick Hornby’s A Long Way Down. I really enjoyed a few of his other novels, so I’m hoping this will be just as fantastic. It’s a little bit morbid, but I think thats kind of fitting coming up to Halloween.

Speaking of Halloween; Amy, Lisa and I attended Jackie’s Halloween themed 21st on Saturday. There were some pretty awesome costumes, decorations and jelly shots. Amy and I dressed up as if we got in a fight with each other and Lisa went as a pirate. Took a couple of pics.

Hands down.. Best costume EVER!!

Sweeeet party and got us siked for the real Halloween! In other news, my sister is leaving me to move to Surry Hills this Saturday 😦 I’m going to be all alone. Well besides the other 3 people that live here, completely alone. And clothes-less. Sucks. Ohhh well. That’s life.

Oh we also went to Poison the Well on Friday, too. They were pretty awesome, from what I can remember. Heaps of fun.

Im going to make eggs now. xx

Written by eleganceineloquence

October 26, 2009 at 2:38 am

Posted in Parties, Weekend

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Sometimes I wonder if this is all its cracked up to be?

I definitely hope not.

All day we hear people constantly complaining about their lives. I think most of us don’t really realise how good we have it.

Written by eleganceineloquence

October 12, 2009 at 5:26 am

Posted in Uncategorized

A symphonic blank stare…

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I rarely appear online on MSN as much as I used to these days. There are a couple of reasons for this, I guess. No one really seems to use it anymore. Perhaps this is because everyone uses FB or just texts/calls each other. Another reason is that there is no one who I am DYING to talk to. And also because no one really talks to me when I go online either. And tonight, this kind of got me thinking about how other people see me. Normally I’m not particularly consumed by people’s perceptions of myself, but sometimes others can see the change in you that you can’t.

The main question is: Have I become one of those relationship assholes? You know, the type that ignores everyone once they are in a relationship. Who doesn’t make the effort to catch up with friends and when they do all they talk about is their significant other. Honestly, I don’t think I’m COMPLETELY like this, although I’m sure i’ve acted these ways occasionally. I guess when you spend most of your time with one person you create a lot of stories and memories with them. I couldn’t really care less of what people think other than my close friends anyway, but it’s just interesting to think about if people see you like this.

However, I believe friendship is a two way street. You can’t write off a friendship when you make little to no effort either. It’s obvious that particular male ‘friends’ make much more of an effort to talk to you when you’re single, but I guess being in a relationship only makes you more aware of who your actual friends are.

Having said all of this, I’m quite certain of who my real friends are and who genuinely cares about me. Getting older you begin to have a better grasp of which people you can trust and which people just aren’t worth your time. Sure, there are people out there who I miss talking to and hanging out with, but whether this has to do with my relationship status or just moving on with life I guess I’ll never know! Its kind of sad when you realise you don’t mean as much to some people as they mean to you, but I guess you never know what people are really thinking.

Reading over this, I know it sounds really ambiguous and I hate entries like that, but this isn’t really directed at anyone in particular.

Holidays are going well so far. Think my laptop is going to die again soon, which is not good.


Written by eleganceineloquence

October 6, 2009 at 12:55 pm